Today's Edition of Centre Aisle for General Convention 2012

Read it all (pdf).


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, --Gen. Con. 2012, Episcopal Church (TEC), General Convention

4 comments on “Today's Edition of Centre Aisle for General Convention 2012

  1. Karen B. says:

    Am downloading now… but gone are the days when Virginia was truly “Center” – I heard from a friend in the Diocese that all of the VA Bishops voted YES on yesterday’s resolution re: SSBs.

    So, today’s Dio. Virginia leadership is actually very far left of what it once was.

  2. Karen B. says:

    Aargh. First page. First Article: doing theology based on one’s grandaughter’s friendship with kids of a lesbian or gay couple. Reminds me of when former President Jimmy Carter was developing his nuclear policy based on daughter Amy’s opinions…

    First page. Second Article: by Lauren Stanely. Former TEC missionary to Sudan, lesbian, asked to leave by her host country due to her radical views and failure to preach salvation through Christ alone.

    Second page. First article: a letter to the editor attacking the publication of Dean Markham’s excellent peice (I think Kendall posted it a few days ago?) urging “inclusion” of conservative voices – that tolerance is more than a one-way street.

    You can’t make this stuff up. Truly.
    Can’t read any more.
    So sad.

  3. Archer_of_the_Forest says:

    I read half of the first article and could not click the big read “X” on my browser fast enough. Gay couples as “living icons of same sex, disciplined, covenanted, family-making love.” That’s enough…can’t take any more without having chest pains.

  4. Karen B. says:

    Dug up the archive of a personal post of mine from May 2006 at Lent & Beyond – What I’d Say to Lauren Stanley about her wondering whether her Sudanese Students need Jesus.

    see also this roundup at Stand Firm:

    and my comment on that thread:

    Somehow Stanley’s continuing prominent role in the Diocese in spite of her being recalled from TWO mission posts (Sudan and Haiti) is telling evidence of the steamroller support for a particular agenda. Never mind the rest of the Communion or their values. Just continue to throw our heresy in your face.